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What is Panorama?

What is panoramic photography?

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a Panoramic Virtual Tour,where you can look all around,must be worth ten thousand.

Pan­or­amic pho­to­graphy refers to the art of cap­tur­ing and cre­at­ing pan­or­a­mas. A pan­or­amic im­age by “stitch­ing” sev­er­al ad­ja­cent pic­tures to­geth­er in­to a single, wide view, and can capture as wide a field of view as possible, all the way to 360° ho­ri­zont­ally and 180° ver­tic­ally. This means that from a giv­en point in space every pos­sible angle and view is covered.

Advantages over tradtional photography

A pan­or­amic im­age can either be viewed like a tra­di­tion­al pho­to­graph, but it is a much more im­mers­ive and ex­cit­ing ex­per­i­ence to watch the im­age with an in­ter­act­ive view­er, giv­ing the ob­serv­er full con­trol over which part and per­spect­ive of the im­age he wants to see.The pan­or­amic view­er gives a much stronger feel­ing of pres­ence than a tra­di­tion­al photo.


To in­ter­act with a pan­or­amic view­er, click and drag your mouse in the view­er win­dow. You can also zoom in and zoom out as you like.

Further possibilities (Virtual Tours)

Sev­er­al pan­or­a­mas can eas­ily be joined to­geth­er to form a “vir­tu­al tour”. For in­stance, you can look around in one room, then click on the (spe­cially high­lighted) door­way to move on to the next room, or click on a win­dow to see an out­side view of the place. This gives the view­er the il­lu­sion of walk­ing around the place at their own leis­ure.

Vir­tu­al tours are an ideal pro­mo­tion­al tool for ho­tels, spas, re­cre­ation cen­ters, parks etc. as they al­low po­ten­tial vis­it­ors to have a look around the place be­fore they book, giv­ing them con­fid­ence and as­sur­ance of the qual­ity of the es­tab­lish­ment.Through this tour, customers will know more about the product with the help of a click.

Virtual tour can increase sales of clients business. For example, before visiting a restaurant many people would want to know more about the place, type of food served and its ambience in advance.

Instructions for DIY your own Panorama

Click here to check out the instruction for how to make photo sets

Upload and send photos to us and we will do manual photo stitching and merging

We do further editing and retouching and then programing the photos into panoramic virtual tours

Example of a Panoramic Virtual Tour

Panoramic vir­tu­al tours can help in­crease your busi­ness

A Panoramic Virtual Tour combines serveral related panorama flashes into one virtual tour, where one can click and visit serveral places or rooms within one virtual tour. There is normally a index map to guide the viewer visiting different panorama flashs.

Photo stitching and merging

The first step of making virtual tours is to stitch and merge the photos[...]

After the photos are perfectly stitched and merged into panorama images, we will[...]

Example of Panorama Retouching

Get a perfect panorama

Once you get a perfectly merged panorama images, there are still a lot of optimization and improvements can be made. For different purpose one may need to do the retouching, revision and sometime manipulation of the panorama.[...]

Virtual Tours and 360 product photography

We also offer 360 product photography which allows 360 degree view of an object. Click here for more details[...]

We can integrate 360 product view flash into one panoramic virtual tours[...]

Museums, product show rooms would be ideal examples with this integrated soution of panoramic virtual tour and 360 product flash[...]

Example of IOS & Android

IOS & Android

Our panorama programming will allow you to share and present your panoramas in Ipad, Iphone and Android smart phones. For further information please contact us.